Grand Exalted Ruler Douglas A. Schiefer

Grand Exalted Ruler Douglas A. Schiefer
Message from the GER

Positive energy helps new Officers get settled

Happy birthday to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks! On February 16, we celebrate 157 years of our great organization. On a personal note, my birthday is February 14. I wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day, especially my beautiful and amazing wife, Julia.

This month is extremely important for Elkdom. First, new Officer elections should be held at your last monthly meeting. Second, you need to make sure those who are nominated and elected for the new Lodge year will be supported.

The new Officers must be encouraged by others. Everyone should be dedicated to making the Lodge an active and effective Lodge internally and externally in the community.

It would be a good time for the current Exalted Ruler to recognize any Member who sponsored or reinstated three Members by awarding them with the Grand Exalted Ruler pin. Please check out the activities program supported by the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee on other awards that Exalted Rulers can submit. It’s time to recognize and encourage those who have shown a great deal of effort and dedication to what we do as Elks.

February is an important month for Past Exalted Rulers to perform the ritual during their Lodges’ Past Exalted Rulers Night. PERs deserve to be thanked for all they have done and for what they continue to do for your Lodge.

The Contest ‘A’ – All American Lodge Contest certification forms are due soon, so it’s a good time to get prepared to show the efforts you have made during the last year. It takes teamwork to achieve this very prestigious award. Honestly, most Lodges would qualify but don’t fill out the form properly. It is important to score your efforts on the form provided. It’s a great way for your Lodge to keep track of what you need to be doing. If you need assistance, contact your local area Fraternal Committee member. There are three winners named in each of the six membership divisions. Why not take the time to plan now and submit your form before the deadline. Be sure to include supporting documentation.

You deserve to be recognized. Continue to demonstrate “Elks Care—Elks Share” and show “Elkdom’s Heart For America.” God bless our great Order and our troops, and God bless America.