Welcome to the State of Oklahoma Elks Association; you will find out about upcoming events, get the latest program information to help our Veterans, our kids, and keep up with goings-on across our state.

If you are an out of state Elk, welcome to Oklahoma! It’s great to have you stop by. Take some time to look at the our Grant Programs along with our Special Olympics and Cadet Lawman Programs.

Just In!

We now have our OEA Stuffed Elks available for sale.  The cost is $20.00 for each elk.  The proceeds go to OEA, OEMP, ENF, and Veterans Services.  Contact your District Vice President to see how to get yours today.

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 OEA Elk of the Year
J. Wayne Rodebush
McAlester Lodge #533

PSP Doyle Roller and Elk of the Year J. Wayne Rodebush

PSP Doyle Roller and Elk of the Year J. Wayne Rodebush

Below are the District Elks of the Year
And your Canidates for State Elk of the Year

Southeast District Elk of the Year

J. Wayne Rodebush
McAlester Lodge #533

Northeast District Elk of the Year

Yvonne Woodfin
Tulsa Lodge #946

Southwest District Elk of the Year

Judy Beck
Midwest City Lodge #1890

Northwest District Elk of the Year

Mary Ann Greenway
Woodward Lodge #1355

To view more events, click on the "Upcoming Events" title. Do not click the "View Calendar" as there is an issue with that function.

Upcoming Events

Grand Lodge has released the following information for anyone wanting to help with
Hurricane Relief. 
Hurricane Relief Contact information
Florida: Carl Seibert 352-455-9436
North Carolina: Lee Littiken 919-777-8670
Tennessee: Mac Kidd 931-307-3176

Cover for Oklahoma Elks Association
Oklahoma Elks Association

Oklahoma Elks Association

Serving our communities through benevolent programs demonstrating Elks Care, Elks Share!

The Broken Arrow Lady Elks raised $5251 for the youth scholarship fund at their annual Casino Night event! Thanks to all the participants and the volunteers’ hard work. Special thanks goes to Cheryl Hammons and co-chairman, Dawn Tull, for organizing the event. ... See MoreSee Less
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Stillwater Elks Lodge #1859 Christmas wish list tree was a big success! We began with wish lists from four individuals and ended up serving 10! Gifts were received by families in need in our community. Pictured L-R Michele Marshall, OJA Juvenile Justice Specialist and Esteemed Leading Knight, ER Elaine Johns, Shannon Anderson, OJA Juvenile Justice Specialist and Elk member. Recipients expressed gratitude for the thoughts and gifts from our Lodge.Thank you to all those who helped! ❤ ... See MoreSee Less
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The Oklahoma City Elks Lodge #417,our generous members, the DOES, and Elks from other lodges donated over $1,650 enough money to purchase the following items for 15 Veterans Christmas bags. The VA Hospital chose the Veterans anonymously, we were given the gender and size of the 15 veterans who needed our assistance so that they may have a present to open on Christmas.Winter CoatHoodie JacketSweatpantsGlovesSocksUnderwearShampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, razors, shave cream, and a hairbrush. ... See MoreSee Less
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Shawnee Elks Lodge 657 January 13, 2025Shawnee lodge donated school supplies to Tecumseh Early Childhood Center. ... See MoreSee Less
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Enid Elks Lodge 2104 January 5, 2025The Enid Elks held the local Hoop Shoot today at Chisholm Elementary School. Congratulations to our winners from each age group. Good luck in the District Hoop Shoot in Kingfisher January 25th. ... See MoreSee Less
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